Note from the Author, 1-1-2023

10th Anniversary Poster

A most happy Octave Day of Christmas and feast of the Circumcision! . . .
Dear Readers, this New Year is a very special one. Here is why:


One of my fondest memories from my childhood is of how my eldest sister was always writing fictional stories. Before we started using the computer to type, she would have stacks of colorful, lined notebooks filled with humorous and exciting handwritten stories that she would let my sisters and I read. I looked up to my eldest sister a great deal and wanted to imitate her, so I began writing too, finding it enjoyable to come up with new characters and story concepts, although almost all of my numerous ideas, particularly those involving any lengthy series, remained unfinished. We both wrote simply because it was fun and we were happy when doing it. These personal stories were only for our own nearest and dearest family members to see.

Much later, it was Christmas of 2012 when my eldest sister introduced me to Fr. Finn’s “Famous Three” and also gifted me with the Letzenstein Chronicles, by Meriol Trevor. These sets of interesting and significantly Catholic literature are what led me to write of A Kingdom of Old the following January. The two Tales of Yore books were then written back-to-back in February, and, lastly, The High King’s Queen was written in March. These four stories were finished as a present for my eldest sister. She enjoyed them so much, though, and felt so strongly that they should be published (they were quite different from anything that I had ever penned before), that we at once looked into self-publishing, attracted by the thought of being able to have full creative control over the stories’ content. With the help of my Editor, the Catholic Kingdom Series underwent some heavy revision over the next couple of months, and the first volume, evenly split into two parts, was ready for publication by June 2013.

Now, ten years later, forty-five wholesome Catholic fiction books have been written with the intention of making them available for others to enjoy as well. Out of these, thirteen books are available for sale and four are about to go through the final stages of editing and formatting. Renae, a genius, has become an invaluable part to our team over time. The incredible poster pictured above was designed by her, and given to me on Christmas Day as a surprise anniversary gift. All twenty-eight different cover images from my 45 titles are seamlessly featured.

Can you spot every one? . . .

Renae: Betcha can’t. 

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