More content will be added in the weeks to come. . .

(Please note before perusing any of the trivia below that it would be advisable to have already
read the titles listed; otherwise, some very key details about the novels will be revealed! . . .)
Trivia concerning
To Fynde a Husband: A Courtship Tale.

- To Fynde a Husband started out as a project that Renae and Angela were going to write together, referring to it as “something.” They came up with the initial characters and the first couple of chapters. Angela then got stuck, and had to set aside the project to work on another one. She later returned to it with Christine, and the two of them surprised Renae with the completed book as a gift.
- After showing Christine the first chapters of “something” on June 5, 2013, brainstorming immediately commenced. Angela began typing that very day (June 5, 2013) and completed the story at 12:05 a.m. on June 18, 2013.
- As first experienced with The Catholic Kingdom Series, it was startling to realize how everything needed to be checked to see if it could be used without violating copyright law. From fonts to images, books, music and lyrics, the team had to make sure if it was in the public domain or not and could be safely used. When looking up to see if the song Carol of the Bells could be used, although the melody was in the public domain, the lyrics were not. Christine had to come up with different words to replace the original lyrics.
- To Fynde a Husband has the distinction of being one of the hardest books to get to the press, written in the early days of Angela’s writing career before she realized how necessary it was to make sure that everything was factually correct. Many things in the story needed to be changed as a result, especially concerning Regan’s occupation of woodcutter.
- The story wouldn’t be made available for sale until four years later in the fall of 2017.
Trivia concerning
The Catholic Once Upon a Time Series,
Volumes One through Five.

- With The Catholic Once Upon a Time Series, Angela started focusing each new tale that she wrote on a different devotion of the Church.
- When brainstorming for new story ideas for the fairytales retold series, Christine found it fascinating to discover rare or otherwise little-known health conditions, and included one in every single volume of The Catholic Once Upon a Time Series. Hence Benna’s “dizzy spells,” Ellen’s delicate constitution, Callie’s heat sensitivity, and Celine’s day blindness, etc. Providentially, each time they perfectly suited whatever fairytale was being retold.
- Angela Marie Michaels wrote Once Upon a Time Stories, Pt. 1 from October 10, 2013—November 9, 2013. She then wrote Once Upon a Time Stories, Pt. 2 from November 11, 2013—December 12, 2013.
- A “behind the scenes” fact concerning Cor the “prince” of More Once Upon a Time Stories Volume 3 in Angela Marie Michaels’ own words: “There originally wasn’t going to be any Montem Dei Northern Realm or Cormack Montaine and the Mountain Men. I can be quite unimaginative and when initially having Sauvage burn down Thorndale at the end of Volume 1, I simply intended for Ross and the others to hide in the woods and be helped by some vague people and then go to Graceland. (No need to go into any complicated details, right?) It was Christine who thought that there should to be a little bit more to their temporary refuge and escape from Roselyn. And then, when I thought with pleased satisfaction that I was merely going to be writing a part one and two and that would be the end of my fairytales retold, she thought that Cor would make an excellent main character for another volume, featuring Snow White! So I led into that with Simon’s postscript at the end of Volume 2. . .”
- Angela began typing More Once Upon a Time Stories on December 31, 2013, and finished it February 4, 2014, at 2:00 a.m.
- On January 9, 2014, Christine came up with a character Damarius Brandt, son of the Imperior. The next day on the tenth, in the midst of brainstorming and working on More,she began to have a vague idea for another fairytale retelling which would feature the new character. This time the fairytale would be Rapunzel.
- Even More Once Upon a Time Stories Pts. 1 & 2, for reasons unknown, turned out to be an extremely difficult story to write.
- Angela wrote Even More Pt. 1 from February 10, 2014—March 6, 2014. She then began writing Even More Pt. 2 March 10, 2014 and completed it June 3, 2014.
Trivia concerning
The Prodigal and the King’s Daughter.

- This project was partly inspired by this lovely illustration of a girl who just seemed meant to be a main character in a novel:

- The song Vogel im Käfig (Bird in a Cage), composed by Sawano Hiroyuki, served as the main inspiration and theme for the novel as it was being written and brings to mind the Savages attacking the Fort and the MC Ignatius Arden. Link to song:
- The Prodigal was one of the stories that had the least initial amount of information when formulating a plot. (Angela Marie Michaels had the vague idea of wanting to do a story with brothers and a prodigal returning home).
- Angela and Christine had been struggling to come up with details for the plot, but after starting the St. Gerard Solemn Novena from October seventh to the fifteenth, on each day they were able to think of new details and solve various difficult plot points, making it one of the easiest stories to write to date.
- Starting October 29, 2018, and ending November 30, 2018, it is notably one of the fastest books written by Angela Maria Michaels, taking only a month to write.