Note from the Author, 9-29-2023

A most blessed and happy feast of St. Michael the Archangel!

I uploaded the eBook files for eleven of my published titles on the twenty-sixth, and their listings are now beginning to appear on Of the two titles remaining, Operation: Apocalypse will be ready by sometime next week, and then I will continue working on finishing the eBook formatting for Even More Once Upon a Time Stories, pt. 2. I’ll also work on adding these new links to the titles’ individual pages, but for now, I’ll add them here: 

A Kingdom of Old ($2.99)
A Kingdom of Old, pt. 2 ($2.99)
Tales of Yore: A King’s Protectorate ($2.99)
Tales of Yore: A Princess Bride ($2.99)
The High King’s Queen: A Short Story ($1.99)
To Fynde a Husband: A Courtship Tale ($4.99)
The Prodigal and the King’s Daughter ($6.99)
Once Upon a Time Stories ($6.99)
Once Upon a Time Stories, pt. 2 ($6.99)
More Once Upon a Time Stories ($6.99)
Even More Once Upon a Time Stories ($4.99)
Operation: Apocalypse ($6.99) [UPDATED, 10-04-23]

I am also happy to announce that I completed setting up a sub-domain, on which I have uploaded some old book trailers for several of my stories. You can see my note on this by [UPDATED, 1-6-2025: going to the Extra Special Content near the bottom of the homepage]. A link there will take you to the new website. Among pages created in preparation for future releases and productions, the actual book trailers featured so far are for:

A Kingdom of Old
Tales of Yore
The High King’s Queen: A Short Story
Night Falls Over Sol: The Rising of the Deathlord
Once Upon a Time Stories

More Once Upon a Time Stories
Even More Once Upon a Time Stories
Additional Once Upon a Time Stories
To Fynde a Husband: A Courtship Tale
The Prodigal and the King’s Daughter
The Catholic Colonies
and The Evangelistae Kingdom Chronicles

Our team is very busy; I hope to have more good news in my next note! 

May God bless you and Mary keep you! St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!

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