The Prodigal and the King’s Daughter

The Prodigal — who has forsaken his Faith, allegiance to his country, and all ties to his family — finds that he must return home to the New World to fulfill a military mission. His superiors, atheistic Coronans, vying with the King of Cor Jesu for control of the newly discovered territory, have ordered him to locate a girl among the King’s Daughters — an institution designed to increase the number of Catholics in the New World. The Prodigal must not allow the young maiden to impart a secret of vast import. . .to a very influential family. . .At all costs, she must be brought back to the Coronans before her message is delivered. . .Will the King’s Daughter manage to succeed in her quest before being discovered? What will be the outcome of the Prodigal’s mission? Will he ever truly return to God? Find out in the unique Catholic standalone novel, The Prodigal and the King’s Daughter, a tragic tale of betrayal and redemption, by Angela Marie Michaels.
Publication date: Aug 22, 2018 — Dimensions: 5.5″ x 8.5″ — Print length: 498 pgs — Price: $14.75