Note from the Author, 12-8-2021

A most blessed and happy feast of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception! . . .I will be working more on the new website in the weeks to come; adding a privacy policy and content to the Titles and Trivia pages. To contact me, emails may be sent to, which is regularly checked.

In April, I announced that I had begun work on a new writing project. . . .This June, I finished writing Book One of the trilogy and completed Book Two on November 26th. It’s coming along nicely! That same day, I made a start on the third book, but had to take a break during Advent. God willing, I will be resuming sometime around the Epiphany (January 6th, 2022). Please pray for me, that it can conclude well!

I am very sorry to have to tell you this, but editing is sadly on hold for my unpublished novels. My indispensable editor-in-chief is currently occupied with serious family obligations and has not been able to find time for it. Hopefully next year, D.V., a new release can be managed. Your prayers for my editor and this intention would be greatly appreciated.

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