Ave Maria! Happy feast of St. Anne!
I sincerely apologize for the long delay in working on and updating the website! I have three exciting pieces of news to share.
- Firstly, I am very happy to report that I finished writing the third and last book of The Tournament Trials on April 2nd, 2022. . .almost a year after having started work on writing the Trilogy! Book Three ended up being eleven chapters long with an epilogue, and 370 pages in unedited book form (about the same length as Book One). Thanks be to God and Our Lady, it turned out really well! Thank you very much for your prayers for this intention!
- Secondly, back at the same time that I thought of the Trilogy, I actually had another story idea. When showing both ideas to Christine, we decided to shelve that one and work on the Trilogy first. Toward the end of the writing of Book Three, Christine felt inspired to start brainstorming for this other project and greatly expanded on the original idea, putting together a bundle of notes and research that I later polished up into outline format. Following a short break, on June 13th, 2022, I was able to make a start on this brand-new standalone novel: The Diplomat Wars. So far, it has a prologue and twenty chapters planned. Depending on page count, it should be one book, but may have to be split into two parts. We shall see! I am currently on Chapter Six (and it is 200 pages in unedited format). It is coming along nicely! I’ll reveal the cover image another time.
- Lastly, and most exciting of all: My editor has been working on The Catholic Colonies Series! So far, she has finished editing Part One and is presently in the middle of editing Part Two. God willing, she intends to do all four parts in a row! Once I finish typing The Diplomat Wars, Renae and I will get together to work on the edits for The Catholic Colonies: Part 1. By and by I will be able to give a more definite date for when we’ll be ready to make it officially available for sale. There are three stages to the editing process, which I will keep you updated on once we begin work. They are as follows:
1) My “editor-in-chief” reads through the whole book and makes major corrections in the book’s physical copy with a red pen. . .
2) Renae and I read through the marked-up book then and make the corrections on the book’s computer document, keeping some and changing others.
3) Renae and I do a final “read through,” making any further corrections as needed and catching what other “typos” and mistakes may have been missed.
I greatly look forward to presenting you with a “new” release (or two); please God, by the end of this year!!
May God bless you and Mary keep you! Please keep this new writing project and the editing process in your prayers! Oremus pro invicem!